7 workflows to test urgently with a newsletter software

7 workflows to test urgently with a newsletter software
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A professional newsletter is an information document sent on a punctual basis to your subscribers. As a key tool for digital communication, the newsletter allows you to inform subscribers about new company offers, promotions or the publication of new content as part of an inbound marketing strategy.

To optimize a newsletter, it is possible to create what are called "workflows" in the jargon of emailing software. We tell you more in this article, and we give you the 7 workflows to try urgently to boost your sales.

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Email marketing scenarios

Definition of the scenario

The script, in marketing, is an algorithm that tells the sending platform to send a newsletter when a given event occurs. For example, a basic script might be to thank subscribers for their trust when the company's thousandth sale is made.

The creation of workflows is proposed by the best newsletter sending software. It is an advanced function that meets a need for automation.

The advantage of scenarios for email marketing

Scenario management can be used to segment your contact list into several groups. You can program your emailing solution to send differentiated messages according to a number of criteria such as :

  • The age or gender of your contacts,
  • Their behavior on your site,
  • Their reactivity during your emailing campaigns,
  • The fact that they are already customers of your company.

We then enter a powerful marketing automation strategy, which relies on personalization to send the right sales message, to the right person, at the right time.

Using data often made available by emailing solutions and CRM software, you can design several highly effective workflows. We'll give you 7 easy-to-implement ideas right away...

1. Welcome email to new subscribers

A prospect just signed up for your newsletter from a landing page? Well done. Now your challenge is to prevent your emails from being blocked by the spam filter of his inbox.

The welcome email, also called onboarding email, allows you to answer this challenge. It allows you to present your brand and your products in more detail. It is a mark of respect that is the best way to start a commercial relationship with your recipient.

You can explain to them that their subscription will allow them to receive relevant content, and that you do not intend to harass them. This is also a good time to explain how to unsubscribe if necessary. It seems counter-intuitive, but it is a good practice. Indeed, keeping people in your contact list who don't read your campaigns lowers your open rate, and therefore degrades the reputation of your sending server.

These newsletters are very successful, especially when accompanied by a special offer.

2. Abandoned cart recovery with a newsletter software

Abandoned cart relaunch is also a classic emailing scenario. It is based on the detection by your CMS of a purchase that has not been finalized. You can, in these circumstances, program your newsletter software to send an automatic message to remind your customer that he has a pending order.

According to a study by SaleCycle, about 4% of these emails result in a completed sale. To maximize your chance of conversion, you can attach a discount code or alert about your depleted inventory to play on the FOMO, or Fear of Missing Out.

A good abandoned cart email should also be educational on how to complete the purchase, or/and propose a direct contact with the company's support.

The difficulty to finish a purchase is a major reason for cart abandonment. This is especially true in areas where the elderly are the main target.

3. The satisfaction survey after the first purchase

Most of the big online companies practice satisfaction surveys. It's no coincidence that Amazon, Cdiscount or Backmarket cultivate the same habit. Underneath its innocent appearance, the satisfaction survey is a powerful marketing tool.

The satisfaction survey allows you to increase the sympathy capital of your company. It gives your customers the feeling that they are respected, that their needs and beliefs are taken into account.

At the same time, the satisfaction survey allows you to create forms to collect useful information to improve your offer or your transactions. For example, you will know if your delivery service has lived up to your customers' expectations.

This is important, because after the first purchase, the commercial relationship with your customer has only just begun. It is indeed easier to sell your products to someone who knows you, and who was satisfied with your company than to convert a new prospect.

Finally, you can use this survey to offer your recipients the opportunity to leave a review on your website or on a third-party site like Trustpilot. This will improve the reputation of your website.

4. Promotion for hot traffic

Selling is all about timing. There comes a time when there are signs that a prospect is ripe for action. That's when you need to increase your marketing pressure and send more promotional emails.

The difficulty is to know when the traffic is hot, and to differentiate it from the still cold contacts. On this point, Kiliba, a French emailing software, proves to be very efficient thanks to its lead scoring algorithm. How about testing our solution in a demo to send your newsletters?

5. The email of revival of the inactive contacts thanks to the software of newsletter

Conversely, sometimes traffic has cooled down so much that you need to send the right message to inactive subscribers to remind them that your business exists. In marketing, this is called a reactivation email.

There are several possible reasons for the traffic cooling off. Often, the contacts concerned were simply not convinced by the offer you had already made.

The best follow-up emails are therefore generally those that present a new offer, with a new product and/or a new price range.

6. The birthday email

This is also a classic emailing scenario for an e-commerce. You need to know in advance the anniversary date of your contacts, when they made their first purchase for example. The anniversary can be the occasion to send an exclusive voucher, a 20% discount on the displayed price or a free delivery.

Even if your contact doesn't take advantage of their voucher, they will feel touched by the attention. You should not hesitate to make the message familiar to give it an authentic and personal character. You can, for example, insert an emoji in the subject line. This email is especially suitable for economic sectors where fun and sympathy have their place.

Thanks to the automation of a newsletter software, this type of email is automatically sent to all your contacts once you have set up the scenario.

7. Special offer for a complementary product following a purchase

Finally, the automation of a newsletter can be used to make additional sales. You can then program the automatic sending of a promotional message on a complementary product, following a purchase. For example, if your customer buys a camera on your store, you can offer him a few days later by email a tripod, a lens or an associated bag, with an exclusive discount coupon.

When it comes to upselling, Kiliba is also great for upselling. You can use this marketing automation software to create templates that it will automatically populate based on the data it pulls from your email list. Kiliba itself will choose the best additional products to offer, customer by customer, to optimize the chance of making a new transaction.

The advantages and features of a newsletter software like Kiliba

Incredible simplicity to set up scenarios

The problem of most companies is the lack of time. Kiliba is a solution that automates marketing tasks. Moreover, it is a software that does not require any training, because the handling is very intuitive. The simplicity of the editor is its strong point. A few clicks are enough to set up automated campaigns on the platform. However, if you have any questions, Kiliba's support will quickly answer them.

Both a newsletter software and a customer management tool

Kiliba algorithms identify your customers' behaviors and analyze their reactions. It is a two-in-one solution because it has the functionality of a crm to segment and even analyze the level of customer satisfaction.

Emails with a responsive design for optimal deliverability

The emails sent by your newsletter software Kiliba benefit from a responsive design for the web. Thus, whatever the medium on which the recipient will open the email, it will be in the right format. Knowing that the consultation of emails is now mainly done on smartphones, this is an excellent way to increase your click-through rate.

Visualize in real time the performance indexes of your emails

The management of email marketing campaigns is a long term work. Indeed, a good strategy requires analyzing the results of emails to consider actions to correct and improve the following campaigns. With the display of detailed statistics, the Kiliba platform allows you to see which newsletter is effective, which newsletter offers the best return on investment for example.

To make an opinion on the interface and advanced features of Kiliba, do not hesitate to request a demo by clicking here!

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