You are an e-merchant and you want to implement a marketing automation solution to increase the average basket of your prospects and customers? This best practices guide on email automation will provide you with all the answers to your questions on the subject and will allow you to optimize the implementation of a winning strategy to increase your company's sales.
Let us guide you step by step to discover the best practices or go directly to the theme of your choice.
Definition of marketing automation
Marketing automation is the process of automating repetitive or time-consuming marketing tasks, such as sending emails to each customer. The goals of this process are to increase the number of leads on your website and maximize the conversion of each lead on your web pages.
Be careful, for a prospect to buy on a page, you will have to intelligently automate the right action to optimize this conversion. This process is called "automated" because the sending of emails is automatically triggered by predefined triggers (also called"trigger marketing") and depends on the behavior of your prospects and buyers. As such, not all marketing automation solutions are equal. The effort required from the marketer and the solutions vary greatly as you will discover in this guide.
Marketing automation tools
There are 2 families of email automation software:
- the "classic" software, such as Sendinblue or Mailchimp, whose purpose is to create and send newsletter-type emails (generic information about your brand),
- software dedicated to email marketing for e-merchants, such as Kilibawhich are linked to your store's CMS and send emails to highlight your products and promotional offers.
Most marketing automation software simply sends emails made by the marketer to a target defined by the marketer. They are thus automated in name only...
Thanks to its machine learning algorithms, Kiliba is the only software that automates 100% of the marketer's tasks, writes quality content and achieves record performance rates for your emails.
Best practice in email campaigns
To increase your sales, each action must be thought to transform a visit on a page into a sale by accompanying your lead throughout his journey and beyond (nurturing):
- How to write marketing emails that convert?
- What are the steps to create your html email templates?
- What are some email design tips for sending emails that your contacts will love to receive?
- How to attract new businesses to your social networks?
You've probably asked yourself these questions dozens of times when creating your email campaigns. To set relevant goals, ask yourself:
- Is the time spent creating your email templates justified by the improved performance of your emails?
- How to improve your templates and boost your performance?
- How to produce quality content for your contacts?
Discover in this part all the best practices to create a perfect email in 5 steps, write the right content and understand how Kiliba will simplify your life by completely automating these tasks.
How to make a successful email campaign in 6 steps ?
Email automation workflows
To automate your email marketing, you will need to set up automation workflows called "scenarios".
A scenario allows you tosend the email to the right person, at the right time, and with the right content.
Ascenario is composed of 4 standard components:
- A trigger = when is the best time to send a message?
- Conditions = they determine the actions to be taken according to the behavior of your user
- A target = which contacts to send this message to?
- Personalized content = which product to put forward in the email?
These scenarios make it possible to keep each prospect "warm" in order to transform the message into a sale later on (this is called lead nurturing).
Most marketing automation tools require marketers to define all or part of the scenarios themselves.
With Kiliba, the scenarios are fully automated because each component of the marketing automation workflow (trigger, condition, target, content) is generated by machine learning algorithms that learn alone from your customers' behavior.
What are the best triggers for marketing automation workflows?
CRM - Collect and enrich customer data
What is the difference between marketing automation and CRM (Customer Relationship Management)?
The CRM is a strategy, before being a tool, to manage all the interactions of your brand with your customers and know them better. By collecting a lot of qualitative and quantitative data on the behavior of your prospects, you will be able to create an effective marketing automation strategy.
You will be able to:
- define customer segments and identify the target of your email marketing
- Identify the behavior of each customer and their purchase intentions
- identify the level of satisfaction of your customers
By analyzing the behavior of your customers when they receive your emails, you can also enrich your CRM and predict the next intentions of your prospects.
The CRM is therefore an entry point for marketing automation and vice versa. Most marketing automation software requires the acquisition of a CRM tool in parallel. On the contrary, Kiliba is an intelligent software that identifies your customers' behaviors, predicts their purchase intentions and analyzes their reactions after the fact to improve your next emails. With Kiliba, you combine the power of a marketing automation tool and a CRM at the same time.
Email marketing performance
What KPIs should you track for your email campaign performance?
Once your strategy and your marketing automation tool are set up, you will have to track the performance of your emails to optimize each new campaign. Your emails are also a great way to give more visibility to your social networks. This article will give you all the information about the indicators to follow, the formulas to calculate each indicator, as well as the features at your disposal to simplify your daily life and improve the performance of your emails: Optimize the performance of email marketing
AI at the service of marketing automation
Artificial intelligence has many applications in marketing to effectively target prospects and customers, create personalized content and optimize campaign performance;
In fact, it is more appropriate to talk about algorithms rather than artificial intelligence: AI is a very broad field that addresses much more than the functionality of algorithms applied to marketing. This chapter will explain in detail how artificial intelligence works in marketing, how algorithms work, what are the benefits of these technologies for the marketer and how machine learning makes Kiliba a unique solution on the market.
Discover in this article the predictive marketing that integrates artificial intelligence algorithms to predict the behavior of your customers: The benefits of predictive marketing in e-commerce
You are on the verge of making a killing
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