The newsletter, regularly sent by email to subscribers, is an interesting marketing solution. It is inexpensive and allows you to maintain a privileged contact with your customers. To create a newsletter, there are mainly two solutions: the classic email application or specialized software.
The tool specialized in creating newsletters, also called automated sending software, has many features that allow you to send each prospect a quality newsletter, pleasant to read and giving credit to your company.
Kiliba is one of the tools for creating newsletters. With easy-to-use features, this French software helps companies to create a long-term customer relationship.
In this article, we have listed at least 6 advantages of equipping yourself with such a solution.
1. Distribute newsletters in an automated way
First, a specialized tool allows you to schedule the distribution of your newsletters in advance.
On any tool, you can schedule, message by message, the date and time of sending. This feature is part of a global movement to automate online marketing.
It saves you time, and allows you to send messages even when you are not at your computer. In addition, with such an option, you can target the exact times when your audience is most receptive. Detailed statistics on the best times to send newsletters according to the targeted recipients can easily be found on Google.
2. Optimized deliverability with a newsletter creation tool
Deliverability" is the actual proportion of emails that reach the inbox of your recipients.
It is a key issue in email marketing to keep a high deliverability, if possible close to 100%.
Indeed, the anti-spam filter of an inbox can retain your messages if it considers them undesirable, lowering their chance of being read and especially discrediting your company in the eyes of your contacts.
The newsletter creation tool can address this issue in many ways. For example, the best software has a function to detect sensitive expressions, those that increase the alert level of anti-spam filters.
Above all, a software as sophisticated as Kiliba, whose algorithm is based on the automated personalization of messages, contributes to a considerable increase in the opening rates of sent emails. However, an email inbox assesses the risk of spam according to a reputation score assigned to the sending server, which itself depends largely on its average opening rates.
3. A newsletter tool to simplify segmentation
Segmenting an email list correctly is the first step of an efficient marketing strategy.
A good newsletter tool allows you to do this easily. You should be able to use the data collected on your contacts to better sort them: opening rate, click rate, customer status or simple prospect are all relevant information to take into account.
Kiliba is a software that has the advantage of automatically segmenting email lists, using artificial intelligence to sort and group customer data. The automation of this task saves valuable time for companies.
4. A simplified user interface
A newsletter creation software provides an editor that allows you to automatically convert your messages into html. This process is a necessary prerequisite for routing emails. Ideally, the use of this editor should be simple and intuitive. You should be able to easily change the font, text size, link color, button shape, add images, etc.
In addition, the best software offers predefined templates that can be adapted to the graphic design of your website. These templates give a professional look to the emails and therefore promote conversion rates.
With a software like Kiliba, you don't need to be a web designer or an html pro to send professional and personalized newsletters. The interface is intuitive and it will only take you a few minutes to create and schedule an emailing.
One of the strong points of Kiliba: if your e-commerce is intended for foreign customers, you can program your newsletters in English, Spanish or German. Many emailing software do not offer this possibility.
5. Create personalized campaigns
A good segmentation of your email list allows you to send different types of campaigns, with relevant content for each recipient.
For example, if your company sells musical instruments, you need to know which of your contacts are interested in guitars, which are more interested in drums, and which are more interested in playing bass.
This allows us to inform them of new promotions, or the release of new products that concern them specifically.
Here again, Kiliba stands out from other tools such as Sendinblue, Mailchimp, Mailjet or sarbacane by the use of a powerful algorithm, able to learn from the behavior of your contacts in an autonomous way. This is one of the points that makes Kiliba unique on the market of newsletter creation tools. It can effectively predict which products or services each of your contacts is really interested in.
6. The possibility to do A/B testing to improve your results
Finally, all good newsletter tools provide their users with several metrics. It is thus possible to measure the effectiveness of a campaign at a glance.
One of the best ways to understand how your contacts react to your company's communication is to practice A/B testing.
A/B testing simply consists in sending two different campaigns to two representative samples of your email list. You can then observe online the performance of each campaign by analyzing the usual statistics (opening rate, click rate and conversion rate).
Only the best campaign is selected and sent to the rest of the list for maximum impact.
Conclusion: Automation has revolutionized newsletter creation. Newsletter creation tools are now powerful marketing solutions that allow you to stay in touch with your subscribers, improve your relationship with them and make new offers, all on a daily basis and at no extra cost.
Among these tools, Kiliba stands out for its simplicity and efficiency. Based on powerful algorithms, it allows you to automate a large part of the work regarding email marketing. It segments your email lists by learning from your contacts' behavior. It fills in email templates with the right message for the recipient. It even takes care of creating and sending the campaigns at the most convenient times.
Now that you know these strong points, don't hesitate to contact us in order to familiarize yourself with its features. What are you waiting for to take the plunge?

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