Multi-channel marketing is the way to fill all distribution channels. Diversifying the tools and channels of communication to address your subscribers gives you every chance to turn them into customers.
While in transactional marketing, marketing actions have the sole objective of making sales, relationship marketing contributes to strengthening the ties that bind the customer to your brand. The customer relationship is a value based on trust and personalization. It's a type of marketing that takes time, but it pays off. The goal is to build customer loyalty by personalizing your exchanges. This is where relationship marketing tools come in. They will allow you to interact with the customer at different stages of his buying journey.
What is relationship marketing?
Definition of relationship marketing
Relationship marketing is focused on the customer rather than on the product. In order for your e-commerce to prosper, you must put in place actions to know your customer or prospect, to understand how to satisfy him and finally develop a privileged relationship on the long term.
In short, relationship marketing includes all operations aimed at creating a special relationship with each of your consumers.
Why do relationship marketing?
The very first objective of relationship marketing is good customer relationship management. Here are the essential points to develop to achieve this:
- develop your CRM (or customer relationship management);
- get to know your customers better (through customer data processing);
- engage with your customers;
- involve customers in the life of your brand;
- set up a loyalty program.
Additional objectives can also be set, such as
- anticipating the loss of a customer ;
- improve the customer experience on its website.
On the other hand, you will make your brand known, spread its history, its values and its assets. You will improve your brand image and create attachment and loyalty. Not to mention that the commitment of loyal customers will be the source of free publicity: word-of-mouth. This is a real opportunity to do lead nurturing, i.e. to transform prospects into customers.
What are the relationship marketing tools?
The classic tools of relationship marketing
These tools, derived from transactional marketing, can be adapted to relational programmes, provided that the emotions and the human element are used to personalise communication and strengthen the relationship:
- Loyalty cards, physical or dematerialised (wallets)
- Discount codes
- Vouchers
- Customer reviews
- The gifts
- Sponsorship
- Satisfaction surveys
- The targeted communication campaign
- Excellent customer service
Web tools for relationship marketing
There are many ways to connect with your customers via the web. Relationship marketing tools are the most common communication channels:
- Social networks
They allow you to maintain an ongoing connection with customers. If your customers are young, you should position yourself on TikTok or Instagram preferably. Social networks are the most effective relationship marketing tool to find ambassadors for your brand.
- Emailing
Classic emailing has given way to marketing automation to allow you to send your customers 100% automated and personalized emails. The customer feels unique and is more likely to respond to these communications.
This relationship marketing strategy is complemented by the use of :
- Conversational marketing
Chatbot (bot to human) or live chat (human to human) allows you to quickly engage your contacts. Dealing with a person creates a more personal connection.
- Content marketing (blog, videos, infographics, storytelling, etc.)
It is a pillar of any inbound marketing strategy. Through the dissemination of qualitative and informative content, you are able to answer your customers' questions and needs while creating a relationship of trust.
Why integrate Kiliba into your relationship marketing strategy?
You will be able to build customer loyalty if you rely on a personal and targeted relationship. This shows that you are not only interested in the consumer, but also in the whole person.
Does the classic email, sent en masse to your entire database, no longer make your contacts react? It's time to switch to a marketing automation solution like Kiliba. It's a great relationship marketing tool that adapts communication according to customer behavior.
Thanks to machine learning algorithms, Kiliba helps you target recipients by segmenting your contacts in order to create emails in line with their desires.
You go through a very easy to use module to create workflows (or workflows) based on customer behaviour or an event.
After sending the emails, Kiliba analyses the behaviour of each customer to manage the marketing pressure and adapt it on a case by case basis. Managing this frequency is crucial in order not to damage your brand image or your customer relationship. If your customer feels harassed or is dissatisfied, he will receive fewer emails. Kiliba is a relationship marketing tool that continuously measures your customers' satisfaction.
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