Are you about to launch your online store? To gain your first customers, it is essential to set up a well-structured webmarketing strategy. Nothing really complicated in itself. But when you start a business, it is important to rely on the right tools from the beginning. Below, we give you the keys to find the tools adapted to your objectives.
An e-commerce solution
Your goal: to make online sales
The e-commerce solution is a software that allows you to create an online store. From a simplified interface, you can build your website brick by brick, even if you do not master computer coding. This so-called "e-commerce solution" is in fact a content management system (or CMS), with integrated functionalities for receiving payments or managing your inventory.
Which CMS to choose for an e-commerce store?
Most of the CMS available on the web are paying and among these solutions, we find Shopify, Wix, as well as Wordpress through its extension Woocommerce. However, it is important to note the existence of Prestashopwhich is a freemium solution that is very successful in France. 50% of the country's stores are developed with it.
These CMS are usually paid by subscription. However, some offer trial periods. Do not hesitate to take advantage of this to compare the solutions of various developers.
Natural referencing and paid referencing
Your objective: to improve the visibility of the site for search engines
That's it, you have your online store, it displays your products (or available services) and it is connected to a payment solution. What's left to do? Bring back visitors! That's why SEO exists. We speak of web referencing to designate all the means deployed to appear on search engines (the most used is Google).
However, when it comes to SEO, there are two strategies. On the one hand, your company can opt for natural referencing, also called SEO. The principle of natural referencing is simply based on the optimization of websites, and on the creation of content (especially in the case of a blog). The challenge is then that Google considers your website interesting enough to make it spontaneously rise to the top of the search results.
On the other hand, your company can practice the paid referencing, also called SEA. In this case, you have to go through the Google Ads platform and pay. In return for payment, Google will immediately give your company a space in its sponsored links section.
Which tool for SEA and SEO in e-commerce?
If you opt for a paid referencing strategy, Google Ads is the reference platform on which to connect. Indeed, Google is in a quasi-monopoly situation on the search engine market. 97% of internet searches are done on it.
If you opt for a natural referencing strategy (also called SEO), things get more complicated. Indeed, SEO is not an exact science, knowing that Google does not give in transparency regarding its referencing criteria. Several tools will then aim to give you ideas for creating content. In this regard, Ubersuggest is often considered as one of the best software. Indeed, it has the advantage of simplicity and the combination of many marketing and SEO features on the same platform. There are other quality software such as SemRush or Ahrefs.
Social networks
Your goal: to improve the visibility of the brand among users
To bring new customers to your web pages, social networks are a viable alternative to SEO.
Just as there is natural referencing, one can evolve for free on social networks (in a so-called "organic" way). However, social networks also have platforms where they sell advertising space. Paying often leads to faster growth, but not necessarily easier. Being successful on social networks requires some training and especially good tools.
Which tool to choose for social networks?
Unlike Google, social networks are places where the image is king. To get noticed, you have to create multimedia content. In this regard, a design software such as Canva or VistaCreate is essential. Editing a video, creating a visual or an infographic becomes child's play! A social media management tool will also be very useful to plan your publications. Some of the most popular platforms are Hootsuite and Buffer.
A crm solution
Your objective: to collect, analyze and centralize your customer data
During your marketing campaigns, you will collect a lot of data about your customers. The CRM software centralizes your data, and above all, gives you the possibility to constantly analyze it. This helps you to anticipate the behavior of your customers, and thus, to develop a better digital strategy.
Which crm software to choose?
First of all, it is imperative to deploy on each web page of your site a tool to track the behavior of your customers. Google Analytics is almost always preferred, since it is powerful and completely free.
Secondly, the analysis of customer data requires the use of software such as Hubspot, Salesforce or Zoho CRM...
An emailing solution
Your goal: to stay in touch with your customers and build loyalty
Finally comes emailing. On the Internet, emailing is a central digital communication channel. It has the advantages of low cost, and a more spontaneous, even familiar link with customers. Emailing is therefore ideal for building loyalty among your audience, or for making them aware of a new offer.
Which emailing tool to choose?
Whatever your situation, Kiliba is probably one of the best tools for managing your emailing. On the one hand, it works in an automated way, supervising itself the creation and sending of your emails. On the other hand, thanks to artificial intelligence, it analyzes each sale made to improve its strategy. Thus, your conversion rates increase as you use it, without the need for any human intervention.
Digital marketing gathers techniques and tools to help your e-commerce to make a place on the web. Indeed, facing a strong competition, the difficulty is to bring visibility to your products and to stay in contact with your audience (customers and prospects). Equipping yourself with the above mentioned software will allow you to better manage your marketing and will quickly bring you results.

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