7 major benefits of email automation for e-tailers

Don't doubt, automate your emails
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In the world of e-commerce,email automation is a widely-used technique. And for good reason: this marketing method enables online store owners to send personalized emails to their customers based on their actions on the site. And all in an optimized way!

As an online store owner,email automation offers you many advantages. Especially if your aim is to increase your conversion rate, build customer loyalty and improve your customers' online shopping experience. We'll be taking a closer look below.

In this article, Kiliba shares the 7 most important benefits of email automation for e-merchants.

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7 major benefits of email automation for e-tailers

In the world of e-commerce,email automation is a widely-used technique. And for good reason: this marketing method enables online store owners to send personalized emails to their customers based on their actions on the site. And all in an optimized way!

As an online store owner,email automation offers you many advantages. Especially if your aim is to increase your conversion rate, build customer loyalty and improve your customers' online shopping experience. We'll be taking a closer look below.

In this article, Kiliba shares the 7 most important benefits of email automation for e-merchants.

1. Increase in conversion rate

Let's start with the first major benefit: a strong increase in conversion rates. Withemail automation, you can program abandoned cart reminders, product recommendations, follow-up messages and even exclusive offers.

Without further ado, we'd like to share a few tips on how to increase your conversion rate.

Abandoned basket reminders

Want to boost your conversion rate? Start by reducing your abandoned cart rate.

To do this, automate the sending of reminder messages for abandoned baskets to encourage your customers to complete their purchase. Kiliba's trick is to offer an irresistible promotional code to help them take action.

Product recommendations

What e-tailer doesn't want to make more sales? Personally, Kiliba has never met one. Our customers all have one thing in common: optimizing their e-mail sales!

If you're concerned, start by suggesting similar products in your thank-you e-mails. These personalized recommendations will help boost your sales and increase your conversion rate.

Follow-up messages after delivery

For a successful emailing strategy, you need to send follow-up messages on a regular basis. By automating the sending of these messages, you :

  • Keep your customers interested;
  • Improve your relationship with your brand.

This is one of the automated emailing strategies we implement with our customers. It's an essential pillar in delivering concrete results!

Exclusive offers

Of course, you'll be able to send exclusive offers to your most loyal customers. These personalized offers can encourage them to make further purchases, helping to increase your conversion rate.

Do you know Pareto's law? 20% of your customers bring you 80% of your sales. Kiliba advises you to capitalize more on your customers, as it's thanks to them that you'll be able to increase your conversion rate.

2. Reduced cart abandonment rate

Sending an e-mail after a shopping cart abandonment reminds the prospect to finalize his purchase. This reminder is usually sent by e-mail.

Kiliba observed that e-mails sent 1 day after a shopping cart abandonment had an average open rate of 48.9% and a click-through rate of 6%. Kiliba automates email marketing when it detects that a user has abandoned the process, automatically sending them an email reminder.

What's more, because every interaction is documented, you have a precise idea of the effectiveness of each e-mail reminder. By tracking the data collected, you can optimize your e-mails over time to find the perfect combination.

3. Customer loyalty

Loyalty is a key process in the life of your online store. Especially when you consider that recruiting new customers costs on average 7 times more than retaining existing ones. Customer loyalty must therefore be at the heart of your emailing strategy

Your customers need to have your brand in mind. You need to send them periodic newsletters with exclusive offers, product news or useful tips for your customers.

In exchange, send satisfaction surveys or requests for feedback on products purchased to improve the overall shopping experience on your website.

4. Reduced time spent communicating with customers

Email automation offers a considerable advantage to e-tailers, reducing the time they spend communicating with their customers.

Thanks to this technique, emails are automatically sent according to the actions carried out by your customers, such as :

  • Newsletter subscription;
  • Shopping cart abandonment;
  • Order confirmation ;
  • Product delivery.

By scheduling your e-mails with a marketing automation tool, you save precious time. Not only that, you also create e-mail templates that convert better.

Ultimately, email automation is a valuable tool if you're looking to optimize your time and deliver a personalized, efficient customer experience.

5. Personalizing the shopping experience

Your marketing automation strategy needs to incorporate dynamic content, like some of the products in your online store. With dynamic content, you can send different, tailored emails to your audience, and engage each contact on a dynamic, personalized customer journey.

Each member of your audience then receives an automated message, personalized and composed especially for them. This strategy gives your audience the impression of having a personal link with you, and encourages purchase.

Dynamic content automatically fills your templates with personalized messages. In concrete terms, you can integrate dynamic attributes and send the right products, to the right audiences, in an automated way.

6. Improving operational efficiency

Email automation for e-tailers helps improve operational efficiency in a number of ways.

Firstly, by automating messages for order confirmation, delivery tracking, product review requests, etc., e-tailers can significantly reduce the time and effort required to send these messages manually to each customer. This saves time and increases efficiency in customer communication management, which can translate into lower operational costs.

What's more, by using email automation software, e-tailers can analyze data on customer buying behavior, such as email open and click-through rates, to adjust their communications strategy. This can help identify the messages that work best, and improve them to maximize their impact.

Finally, email automation can help improve inventory and logistics management by sending automated messages to customers when a product is out of stock or there are delivery delays. This can help you reduce customer support requests and improve customer satisfaction by giving them accurate information on the status of their order.

7. Performance analysis

Email automation simplifies marketing analysis and reporting by generating reports automatically.

Marketing analytics platforms bring together sales and marketing data, offering more detailed and informative analysis and reporting. They also collect behavioral data by monitoring customer interactions.

With these insights, you can clearly identify what's working, where in the funnel leads are being lost, and much more. By gathering valuable information about your customers and your business, you'll be able to optimize every stage of your marketing strategy.

Take advantage of email automation with Kiliba

In conclusion, email automation offers many benefits to e-tailers. It can increase conversion rates, reduce cart abandonment, build customer loyalty, reduce the time spent communicating with customers, personalize the shopping experience and improve operational efficiency.

By using this effective marketing technique, online store owners optimize the performance of their business and offer their customers a personalized, satisfying shopping experience.

To benefit from all these advantages, all you have to do is join our email automation services. We'll take care of your entire e-mail marketing strategy, so you can boost your online store's sales.

Click here and take your email campaign to the next level with Kiliba's AI.

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