Promotional email campaigns: using email automation scenarios

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Promotional emailing is a powerful way of promoting your offers, products or services to your customers. Whether you're a small business or a major corporation, email remains one of the most effective channels for reaching your customers in a direct and personal way. In this article, we'll explore the best practices for a successful promotional email campaign and show you the benefits of using Kiliba's email automation scenarios.

Direct access

Why is promotional emailing essential?

Advantages of promotional emailing

Promotional emailing has many advantages for your business. First of all, it lets you reach your customers directly, without going through intermediaries. By sending a promotional email, you can highlight special offers, new products or exclusive discounts, straight to your customers' inboxes. This keeps you in regular contact with your customers and strengthens the customer-brand relationship.

What's more, promotional emailing offers great flexibility in terms of targeting. You can segment your contact list according to specific criteria such as age, gender, purchasing preferences and so on. This allows you to personalize your messages and send relevant offers to each segment of your audience. Increased email personalization leads to higher conversion rates and greater responsiveness from your customers.

The importance of email automation scenarios

Email automation scenarios are predefined sequences of emails that are automatically sent according to certain triggers or recipient actions. They are essential for maximizing the effectiveness of your promotional email campaigns. Email automation scenarios enable you to send the right message, at the right time, to the right person, based on their specific actions or data.

Kiliba offers a range of predefined email automation scenarios for different promotional occasions. These ready-to-use scenarios save you time and efficiency, while optimizing your results. In the following sections, we'll explore several of Kiliba's popular promotional email scenarios.

Kiliba's promotional email scenarios

Black Friday: Maximize your sales with an irresistible offer

Black Friday is one of the biggest promotional and sales events of the year. With Kiliba, you can automate the sending of Black Friday-specific promotional emails to inform your customers about exclusive discounts and limited-time offers. For this scenario, Kiliba sends three emails to your customers:

  1. The Monday before Black Friday, with a countdown of the most relevant products for each customer.
  2. On the Wednesday before Black Friday, he sends an email to customers who didn't open the first email, always accompanied by relevant recommendations for each customer.
  3. On the big day, all your active customers will receive a black friday promotional email with personalized products.

Mother's / Father's Day: Celebrate with special offers for parents

Mother's Day and Father's Day are ideal occasions to show your appreciation for parents and offer them special promotions. Kiliba lets you send personalized emails to celebrate these special days. Take advantage of these occasions to strengthen your relationship with your customers and generate additional sales.

For these holidays, Kiliba is offering you the chance to send an email 7 days before Father's Day or Mother's Day with 3 best-selling products and the 3 most visited products on your online store in recent weeks.

Halloween: Spooky promotions to tempt your customers

Halloween is a fun and festive time when many people are looking for original products and ideas. With Kiliba, you can create Halloween-themed emails and offer special promotions on Halloween-related items. 

For Halloween, Kiliba sends each active customer an email before Halloween and sends them a reminder if necessary: 

  • D-10: An email with 3 of your best-selling and most-visited products since October and 3 personalized recommendations.
  • D-5: Email follow-up for customers who didn't open the first email, but this time with new products.

Christmas: Spread the holiday magic with exclusive gifts

Christmas is a time for gifts and festivities. Use Kiliba's promotional e-mail scenarios to create a warm, festive atmosphere in your e-mails. Engage your active contacts with the Kiliba scenario that sends two emails to boost your sales:

  • Kiliba sends the first email on the 1st Thursday of December to all your active contacts, featuring the best products from your online store and 3 personalized recommendations.
  • One week after sending the first email, Kiliba will follow up all your contacts who haven't bought since the first email, and present them with products that may be of interest to them.

Summer / winter sales: take advantage of sales to boost your sales

Sales periods are a great time to attract new customers and boost sales. With Kiliba, you can automate the sending of promotional emails specifically for summer or winter sales.

All your active customers will receive 3 emails during the entire sales period featuring your most popular discounted products: 

  • 1st day of sales: a sales launch email is sent, including 3 best-selling and most-visited products.
  • 7 days after launch: an email is sent back with 3 top promotional products and 3 personalized recommendations.
  • 2 days to go: a countdown to the end of the sale, including the best-selling products.

Valentine's Day: awaken love with romantic offers

Valentine's Day is the perfect occasion to surprise your customers with romantic offers. Kiliba lets you send personalized emails to celebrate this special day. Show your customers that you care and that you're there to help make their Valentine's Day even more memorable with Kiliba's Valentine's Day scenario.

Kiliba sends all your active contacts an email 10 days before Valentine's Day with 3 of your best products and the 3 most visited products from your online store.

A reminder email is sent 5 days before Valentine's Day, to all your contacts who haven't purchased since the first email.

Best practices for a successful promotional email campaign

Now that we've explored Kiliba's various promotional email scenarios, let's take a look at some best practices for maximizing the effectiveness of your campaigns. By following these tips, you'll be able to create impactful emails that generate conversions and build customer loyalty.

Define a clear, measurable objective

Before launching your promotional email campaign, it's important to define a clear and measurable objective. What are you trying to achieve with this campaign? Do you want to increase sales, drive traffic to your website or boost brand awareness? With a clear objective in mind, you'll be able to direct your strategy and measure the success of your campaign.

Segment your contact list for effective personalization

Segmenting your contact list is essential for effective e-mail personalization. Divide your contacts into groups according to criteria such as age, gender, interests, buying behavior, etc. This will enable you to send specific offers to each segment and improve the relevance of your messages. This will enable you to send specific offers to each segment and improve the relevance of your messages. Use the data collected to personalize your emails and offer a unique experience to each recipient. Kiliba automatically segments your contacts when they connect to your online store.

Create eye-catching subject lines to maximize email opens

Your email subject line is the first thing your recipients will see in their inbox. So it's crucial to create an eye-catching subject line that encourages them to open the email. Use attractive keywords and punchy phrases to arouse curiosity and interest. Don't hesitate to use Kiliba's AI feature, which offers you several choices of automatically generated subject lines.

Writing powerful, persuasive content

The content of your email should be punchy and persuasive to convince your recipients to take action. Use an engaging, friendly tone, friendly expressions and convincing arguments to highlight the benefits of your offer. Keep your paragraphs concise and easy to read, and use bulleted lists to highlight key points.

Include a clear, motivating call to action

Don't forget to include a clear, inciting call to action in your email. Tell your recipients what you expect them to do, whether it's click on a link, make a purchase, sign up for a special offer, etc. Use attractive call-to-action buttons and place them strategically in your email. Make sure your call to action is easily identifiable and incites action.

Test and optimize your campaigns for better results

It's important to regularly test your promotional email campaigns to optimize results. Perform A/B testing by varying certain elements of your emails, such as subject lines, content, visuals or calls to action. Analyze the results and adjust your strategy according to the feedback you receive. Continuous optimization is the key to constantly improving your performance and maximizing your return on investment.

Kiliba's advanced features for promotional emailing

In addition to its predefined email automation scenarios, Kiliba offers a range of advanced features to optimize your promotional email campaigns.

Advanced customization

With Kiliba, you can take email personalization a step further. Use dynamic variables to include information specific to each recipient, such as name, birthday, past purchases and so on. This allows you to create ultra-personalized emails and increase customer engagement.

In-depth monitoring and analysis

Thanks to Kiliba's tracking and analysis features, you can obtain detailed information on the performance of your promotional email campaigns. You can track open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates and other key metrics to assess the effectiveness of your emails. This data enables you to make fact-based decisions and continue improving your campaigns.

The Kiliba dashboard gives you 4 of the most important KPIs for your email campaign: 

  • Sales generated by your email marketing campaign.
  • Number of orders placed with Kiliba.
  • Your customers' average shopping basket.
  • The number of emails sent with Kiliba.

Integrations with other tools

Kiliba integrates with other popular marketing tools and CMS, such as Shopify, PrestaShop or Adobe Commerce. This allows you to easily synchronize your customer data, personalize your campaigns according to the information available, and automate everything for maximum efficiency.


Promotional email campaigns are a powerful tool for promoting your offers, building customer loyalty and generating sales. By using Kiliba's email automation scenarios and following the best practices we've outlined, you'll be able to create impactful, personalized emails that captivate your audience and boost conversions.

Don't forget to define clear objectives, segment your contact list, create eye-catching objects, write persuasive content, use attractive visuals and integrate clear calls to action. Test and optimize your campaigns continuously to improve results. With Kiliba's advanced features, you'll also be able to push personalization, perform A/B tests and benefit from in-depth tracking and analysis.

Ready to launch your promotional email campaign and maximize your results? Join Kiliba now and discover the full potential of email automation for your marketing activities.

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