It's good tosend emails, but it's even better to make a relevant and optimized emailing campaign thanks to the analysis ofkey performance indicators (KPI). Regular monitoring of an emailing campaign is crucial if you want to know its effectiveness and reach. Before launching an emailing campaign, it is important to ask yourself some questions. What is the purpose of this email campaign? Is it to attract new subscribers, generate leads or convert more leads into customers? No matter what your goals are, if you want to run professional email campaigns, you need to know what KPIs to monitor.
In this article, Kiliba shares with you the definition of an emailing campaign and reveals the 7 KPIs to control to make a successful emailing campaign.
What is an emailing campaign? Marketing definition
The definition of an emailing campaign consists in sending promotional emails to a large list of recipients for prospecting, loyalty or simply for information purposes. Emails are therefore a form of direct marketing in the sense that they reach the target prospects directly.
7 KPIs to monitor to make an email campaign that converts
Now that you know the definition of an emailing campaign, let's see together the 7 KPIs to monitor for the success of your marketing campaigns.
1. Deliverability rate or bounce rate: percentage between emails sent and emails received
The first KPI to take into account is the deliverability rate. This is the number of emails that actually reached their recipient during an emailing campaign. The number of delivered emails is based on bounces, i.e. emails that were not received by the email service.
There are two types of bounces:
- Soft bounce is the temporary unavailability to receive emails, because the recipient's mailbox is full.
- A hard bounce is when the email service has blocked the delivery of your emails or simply because the recipient's email address no longer exists.
It is important to analyze this KPI to avoid spamming an email address that no longer exists or is simply full. If your CRM does not already do this automatically, think about deleting invalid email addresses.
Bounce rate calculation : number of undelivered emails / number of sent emails x 100.
2. Open rate: number of opened emails out of the total number of emails sent
The open rate is used to measure the percentage of emails opened by recipients. This metric measures the attractiveness of your subject line and pre-header as well as the degree of responsiveness of your contacts.
To increase the open rate of your emails, test different aspects:
- The email address or name of the sender;
- Purpose;
- The pre-header sentence;
- The day or time of sending.
Testing one parameter at a time will allow you to identify the cause of the problem if your open rate is low. The most important thing to improve the open rate of your email campaign is to improve the quality of your database.
Calculation of the open rate Number of emails opened / number of emails sent x 100.
3. Click-through rate: number of subscribers who clicked on a call-to-action
The click-through rate determines the percentage of subscribers who saw your content. They also clicked on the CTA in your email. Thus, this KPI can reassure you (or not) that your email or your emailing campaign arouses the interest of your subscribers.
This metric demonstrates the effectiveness of your marketing strategy and the content you produce.
Note that this metric is only relevant if you include a clickable link in your email. Otherwise, focus on the open rate.
Calculation of the click rate : number of clicks on a CTA/number of emails sent x 100.
4. Reactivity rate: the relevance of your emailing campaign
The reactivity rate of your emailing campaign is based on the number of clicks compared to the number of openings of your emails. This metric allows you to know the relevance of your CTAs.
Indeed, if the reactivity rate is low, it means that you have not succeeded in engaging your subscribers.
Calculation of the reactivity rate : number of clicks on a CTA / number of opened emails x 100.
5. Conversion rate: number of leads converted to customers
The conversion rate is one of the most relevant performance indicators, because it measures the overall effectiveness of your email campaign. Indeed, the goal of an emailing campaign is that your subscribers perform a specific action to achieve your initial objective.
This action may result in:
- A prospect who buys one of your products/services;
- A subscriber who signs up for your video conference;
- A response to a form;
- Etc.
The conversion rate also allows you to know the relevance of your sales tunnel and to see how well all the KPIs that precede the conversion rate are working.
Conversion rate calculation Leads to customers / number of emails sent x 100.
6. Unsubscribe rate: number of subscribers unsubscribed from your newsletter
Just like the bounce rate, the unsubscribe rate is interesting to analyze to follow the number of subscribers who left your newsletter.
Depending on the goal of your emailing campaign and your communication, you will be able to analyze the general behavior of your audience. Are they receptive to your email communication? If your unsubscribe rate is high, it means that you are not able to communicate properly with your contact list.
Calculation of the unsubscribe rate Number of unsubscribes/number of emails sent x 100.
7. Global ROI: the return on investment of your email campaign
The overall return on investment (ROI) is the amount of money your e-mail campaigns generate for your company minus the expenses. It's the total amount of money you make divided by the total amount of money you spend. In short, it's all the profit you generate, so all the money you can earn!
Calculation of the global ROI (total value of sales - cost of the email campaign) / cost of the email campaign x 100.
Now you know the 7 KPIs to monitor for your emailing campaigns. Know that on average, the expert email automation Kiliba generates 16 € on average per email sent, has an average basket of 208 €, and manages to stabilize an average conversion rate of 6%.Kiliba's AI monitors these 7 KPIs for the success of your email campaigns. Take your email marketing campaigns to the next level!
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