E-Commerce: In 2023 you will convert!

You are the king of conversion!
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Posted by Kiliba
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"Alone we go faster but together we go further"

You know that famous conversion tunnel , right? Well, if you know, it's the process a customer goes through to convert, that is, to perform a desired action (such as making a purchase).

Maybe 2022 was a bit of a slog and you don't know the reasons why your store isn't converting. But in 2023, you are the king of conversion! Of course, this requires that you take themost important steps to offer your visitors/customers an unforgettable experience that will keep them coming back!

But what are these steps?! Fortunately, you've come to the right place! In this webinar you will learn how to :

  1. Create and optimize your online store with SEO
  2. Develop your sales
  3. Keep your customers coming back
  4. Improve the user experience from the home page to checkout

If you're interested, check out the replay of our webinar which is presented by Kiliba, Evolutive Group and Payplug.


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You are on the verge of making a killing

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